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    [486]Liu,Kwang-Ching.‘Li Hung-chang in Chihli:the emergence of a policy,1870——1875’,in AMCH,68——104


    [487]Liu,Kwang-Ching.‘Nineteenth-century China:the disintegration of the old order and the impact of the West’,in Pingti Ho and Tang Tsou,eds.China in crisis,I.I.93——178.University of Chicago Press,1968


    [488]Liu Kwang-Ching.‘Cheng kuan-ying I-yen:Kuang-hsu ch’u-nien chih pienfa ssu-hsiang’(Cheng Kuan-ying's I-yen:reform proposals of the early Kuang-hsu period).Ch’ing-hua hsueh-pao,NS,8.1——2(1970)373——425


    [489]Liu,Kwang-Ching.‘The Confucian as patriot and pragmatist:Li Hungchang's formative years,1823——1866’.HAS,30(1970)5——45


    [490]Liu,kwang-Ching.‘The limits of regional power in the late Ch’ing period:a reappraisal’.Ch’ingh-ua hsueh-pao,NS,10.2(July 1974)176——207(in Chinese),207——23(in English)


    [491]Liu Ming-ch’uan.Liu Chuang-su kung tsou-i(Liu Ming-ch’uan's memorials).6 chuan.1906 preface.Taipei reproduction,Wen- hai,1968,also cited as LCSK


    [492]Liu O(Liu T’ieh-yun).Lao-ts’an yu-chi(The travels of Lao-ts’an).20 chuan.Shanghai,1906 preface,Ya-tung;3rdedn,1928.Hong Kong:Commercial Press,1965.English trans.by,H.Y.Yang and G.M.Taylor:Mr.Derelict,London:Allen and Unwin,1948.See under Liu T’ieh-yun for the Harold Shaddick trans.


    [493]Liu Po-chi.Kuang-tung shu-yuan chih-tu yen-ko(Institutional history of the local academies in Kwangtung).Changsha:Commercial Press,1939;Taipei edn,Chung-hua ts’ung-shu wei-yuan-hui,1958


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    [495]Liu T’ieh-yunT.he travels of Lao Ts’an.Harold Shaddick,trans.Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1952.See Liu O


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    [497]Lo Cheng-chün.Tso Wen-hsiang kung men-p’u(Chronological biography of Tso Tsung-t’ang).10 chüan.Hsiang-yin.1897;Taipei reproduction,Wenhai,1967


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    [526]McAleavy,Henry.Black flags in Vietnam:the story of a Chinese intervention.London:Allen and Unwin,1968;New York edn,Macmillan,1968


    [527]Meijer,Marinus J.The introduction of modern criminal law in China.Batavia:De Unie,1950


    [528]Meng Yun-sheng(pseud.)Shang-hsin jen-yü(Wounded to the soul).Shanghai:Ching-shih shu-hui,1906


    [529]Metzger,Thomas A.‘State and commerce in imperial China’.Asian and African Studies,6(1970)23——46


    [530]Mi Ju-ch’eng comp.Chung-kuo chin-tai t’ieh-lu shih tzu-liao,1863——1911(Source materials on the history of railways in modern China,1863——1911).3 vols.Peking:Chung-hua,1963


    [531]Michie,Peter S.The life and letters of Emory Upton.New York:D.Appleton,1885


    [532]Min-pao(The people).Tokyo.1905——10


    [533]Ministère des Colonies.Les archives.Paris


    [534]Ministry of Industries,National Agriculrural Research Bureau,Department of Agricultural Economics.Crop reporting in China.1934.Nanking:Ministry of Industries,Aug.1936


    [535]Mitchell.Peter M.‘The limits of reformism:Wei Yuan's reaction to Western intrusion’.MAS,6.2(1972)175——204


    [536]Mitrano.Thomas.‘The Chinese bankruptcy law of 1906——1907:a case history’.Monumenta Serica,30(1972——3)259——337


    [537]Miyashita Tadao.Chūgoku heisei no tokushu kenkyū;kindai Chūgoku ginryō seido no kenkyū(A monographic study of the Chinese currency system;a study of the silver tael system of modern China).Tokyo:Nihon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai,1952


    [538]Miyazaki Ryūsuke and Onogawa Hidemi,eds.Miyazaki Tōten zenshū(The complete works of Miyazaki Tōten).5 vols.Tokyo:Heibonsha,1971——6.See also Eto Shinkichi,ed.Sanjū-soanen no Yume.


    [539]Mo Pei ed.Chiang-Che t’ieh-lu feng-ch’ao(The storm over the Kiangsu-Chekiang railway).Shanghai,1907.Photocopy from Kuomintang Party Historical Commission,Taipei,1968


    [540]Modern Chinese society,ananalytical bibliography.(1)Publications in Westen languages,1644——1972,ed.G.William Skinner;(2)Publications in Chinese,1644——1969,ed.G.William Skinner and Winston Hsieh;(3)Publications in Japanese,1644——1971,ed.G.William Skinner and Shigeaki Tomita.3 vols.Stanford University Press.1973


    [541]Morgan,W.P.Triad societies in Hongkong.Hong Kong:Government Press,1969 W.P.


    [542]Morley,James,ed.Japan's foreign policy.1868——1941:a research guide.New York:Columbia University Press,1974


    [543]Morrison,Esther.‘The modernization of Confucian bureaucracy’.Radcliffe College,Ph.D.dissertation.Cambridge,Mass.,1959


    [544]Morse,H.B.The trade and administration of the Chinese empire.Shanghai:Kelly and Walsh,1908


    [545]Morse,H.B.The international relations of the Chinese empire.3 vols.London,New York(etc.):Longmans,Green and Co.,1910——18;Taipei reproduction,Wen-hsing,1966


    [546]Mou An-shih.Yang-wu yun-tung(The Western affairs movement).Shanghai:Jen-min.1956;6th printing,1961


    [547]Munholland,J.Kim .‘The French connection that failed:France and Sun Yat-sen,1900——1908’.JAS,32.1(Nov.1972)77——95


    [548]Muramatsu Yūji.‘A documentary study of Chinese landlordism in the late Ch’ing and the early republican Kiangnan’.BSO AS,29.3(1966)566——99


    [549]Muramatsu Yūji.Kindai Kōnan no sosan:Chūgoku jinushi seido no kenkyū(Landlord bursaries in Kiangnan in modern times:studies of landlordism in China).Tokyo University Press,1970


    [550]Myers,Ramon H.The Chinese peasant economy:agricultural development in Hopei and Shantung,1890——1949.Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1970


    [551]Myers,Ramon H.‘Taiwan under Ch’ing imperial rule,1684——1895:the traditional economy’.Journal of the Institute of Chinese Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong,5.2(D ec.1972)373——411


    [552]Naba Toshisada.Chūka shisō(Sinocentrism),in Iwanami kōza:Tōyō shichō(The Iwanami series on oriental trends of thought).Series 17.Tokyo:Iwanami,1936


    [553]Nagai Kazumi.‘Iwayuru Shinkoku ryūgakusei torishimari kisoku jiken no seikaku:Shimmatsu ryūgakusei no ichi dōkō’(The nature of the so-called incident involving Ch’ing regulations for controlling overseas students:a movement among Chinese students in Japan towards the end of Ch’ing).Shinshū Daigaku kiyō,2(July 1952)11——34


    [554]Nagai Kazumi.‘Kyoga gakuseigun o megutte’(Concerning the student army to resist Russia).Shinshū Daigaku kiyō,4(Sept.1954)57——83


    [555]Nagai Kazumi.‘Kō-Setsu roji to Shimmatsu no minshū’(The Kiangsu-Chekiang railway and the people in late Ch’ing).Shinshū Daigaku kiyō,7(1957)1——25


    [556]Nakada Yoshinobu.‘Dōchi nenkan no Sen-Kan no Kairan ni tsuite’(A study of the Muslim Rebellion in Shensi and Kansu during the T’ung-chih period).Kindai Chūgoku kenkyū,3(1959)69——159


    [557]Nakajima Masao,ed.Taishi kaiko roku(Memoirs concerning China).2 vols.Tokyo:Dai Nihon Kyōka Tosho,193


    [558]Nakajima Masao;ed.Zoku Taishi kaiko roku(Memoirs concerning China,supplement).2 vols.Tokyo:Dai Nihon Kyōka Tosho,1941


    [559]Nakamura Tadashi.‘Shimmatsu seiji to kauryō shihon:Sei Senkai no yakuwari o megutte’(Late Ch’ing politics and bureaucratic capital,with reference to Sheng Hsuan-huai's role),in Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku BungakubuTōyōshigaku Kenkyūshitsu,ed.Chūgoku kindaika no shakai kōzō(The social structure of China's modernization),pp.21——44.Tokyo:Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku,1960


    [560]Nan-k’ai ta-hsueh Ching-chi hsi.Ching-chi yen-chiu so.Ch’i-hsin yang-hui kung-ssu shih-liao(Historical materials on the Chee Hsin Cement Co.).Peking:San-lien,1963


    [561]Nankai Institute of Economics.Nankai index numbers,1936.Tientsin:Nankai University,1936


    [562]Narochnitskii,A.L.Kolonial’naia politika kapitalisticheskikh derzhav na dal’nem vostoke,1860——1895(The colonial policies of the capitalist powers in the Far East,1860——1895).Moscow:Izd-vo Akademii nauk CCCP,1956


    [563]Negishi Tadashi.Shinkoku shōgyō sōran(General survey of commerce of the Ch’ing dynasty).5 vols.Tokyo:Maruzen for Tōa Dōbunkai,1906——8


    [564]Nieh Tseng Chi-fen.Ch’ung-te lao-jen pa-shih tzu-ting nien-p’u(Chronological autobiography of Nieh Tseng Chi-fen at age eighty).Shanghai:The Nieh family,1933


    [565]Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai,comp.Kawaji Toshiakira monjo(Kawaji Toshiakira documents).8 vols.Tokyo:Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai,1932——4,new edn,1967——8.See Otsuka Takematsu


    [566]Nish,I.H.‘Japan's indecision during the Boxer disturbances’.JAS,20.3(May 1961)449——461


    [567]Nish,Ian H.The Anglo-Japanese alliance:the diplomacy of two island empires,1894——1907.London:Athlone,1966


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    [685]Sun,E-tu Zen.‘The Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo railway loan of 1908’.FEQ,10.2(1950)136——150


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    [689]Sun Po-ch’un(Son Haku-jun).‘Kajuku,Dōbun Shoin,MinpōshaN.ihon ni ikiru ichi Chūgokujin no kaisō’(Family tutorial,Dōbun Shoin,the People's Tribunt:the recollections of a Chinese resident in Japan).Chūgoku(Tokyo)30(May 1966)24——33


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    [711]T’ang Ts’ai-chih.‘T’ang Ts’ai-ch’ang ho shih-wu hsueh-t’ang’(T’ang Ts’aich’ang and the School of Current Affairs).Hun-an li-shih tzu-liao,3(1958)98——108


    [712]Tao,L.S.(T’ao Lung-sheng).‘Shen Chia-pen and modernization of Chinese law’.She-hut k’o-hsueh lun-ts’ung,Taipei,25(Sept.1966)275——90


    [713]T’ao Ch’eng-chang.‘Che-an chi-lüeh’(A brief account of the revolts in Chekiang),HHKM,3.3——111陶成章:《浙案纪略》

    [714]T’ao Chü-yinP.ei-yang chün-fa t’ung-chih shih-ch’i shih-hua(Historical anecdotes on the period of the Peiyang warlords).7 vols.Peking:San-lien,1957——61


    [715]T’ao Hsu.Tsuho(Inquiry into rents).Facsimile reproduction of 1927 edn in Suzuki Tomoo,‘Shimmatsu gensoron no tenkai——“Sokaku”no kenkyū’(q.v.),appendix


    [716]Tarui Tōkichi.Daitō gappōron(A proposal for a unified eastern state).Original edn,1893.Tokyo:Daitōjuku Shuppanbu,1963


    [717]Teng,Ssu-yii and Fairbank.John K.China's response to the West:a documentary survey 1839——1923.Cambridge,Mass.:Havard University Press,1954


    [718]Teraki Tokuko.‘Shimmatsu Minkoku shonen no chihō jichi’(Local selfgovernment in late Ch’ing and early Republican China).Ochanomizu shigaku,5(1962)14——30


    [719]T’ien Ju-k’ang.‘Yuk-uan Tu Wen-hsiu tui-wai kuan-hsi ti chi-ko wen-t’i’(A few problems regarding Tu Wen-hsiu's foreign relations).Li-shih yen-chiu,1963.4.pp.141——150


    [720]Tikhvinskii,Sergei Leonidovich.Dvizhenie za reformy v Kitae v kontseⅩⅨ veka i Kan Iu-vei(The reform movement in China at the end of the nineteenth century and K’ang Yu-wei).Moscow:Izd-vo vostochnoi literatury,1959


    [721]Tikhvinskii,Sergei Leonidovich,ed.Man’chzhurskoe vladycheslvo v Kitae(Manchu dominion in China).Moscow:Nauka.1966


    [722]Ting Jih-ch’ang.Fu-Wu kung-tu(Official papers of the governor of Kiangsu).50 chüan.1877 preface.Taipei reproduction,Hua-wen,1968


    [723]Ting Jih-ch’ang.‘Ting Chung-ch’eng cheng-shu’(Political papers of Governor Ting).Manuscript copy,36 chüan.New Haven,Conn.:Sterling Library,Yale University


    [724]Ting Pao-chenT.ing Wen-ch’eng kung i-chi(Collected papers of the late Ting Pao-chen).27 chüan.Peking,1893;Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,1967


    [725]Ting Wen-chiang.Liang Jen-kung hsien-sheng nien-p’u ch’ang-pien ch’ukao(The first draft of a documentary chronological biography of Mr Liang Ch’i-ch’ao).3 vols.Taipei:Shih-chieh,1959


    [726]Tōa Dōbun Shoinc.omp.Shina keizai zensho(A comprehensive survey of China's economy).12 vols.Osaka and Tokyo,1907——8


    [727]Tokyo Kyōiku Daigaku Tōyōshigaku Kenkyūshitsu,ed.Chūgoku kindaika no shakai kōzō(Social structure in China's modernization).Tokyo:Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku,1960.Daian reproduction,1966


    [728]Tōkyō Kyōiku Daigaku Tōyōshigaku Kenkyūshitsu,ed.Kindai Chūgoku nōson shakai shi kenkyū(Studies in modern Chinese rural social history).Tokyo:Daian,1967


    [729]Trotter,Captain.‘Some remarks on the army of Li Hung-chang and the garrisons of the forts on the Yang-tzu-chiang’.War Office.33/4(1880)127——30.Public Record Office,London


    [730]Ts’ai-cheng pu ch’üan-pi ssuP.i-chih hui-pien(Compendium of documents on the monetary system).4 vols.Peking:Ministry of Finance,1919


    [731]Ts’ai-cheng shuo-ming shu(Reports on the financial administration).20 vols.Peking:Ching-chi hsueh-hui,1915


    [732]Ts’en Ch’un-hsuan Lo-chai man-pi(Ts’en Ch’un-hsuan's autobiographical notes).Originally published in Chung-ho yueh-k’an(Peiping)4.5(May 1943)11——32.Taipei reproduction in book form together with a biography of Ts’en by Wu Hsiang-hsiang,Wen-hsing.1962


    [733]Tseng Chi-tse.Tseng Hui-min kung shih-hsijih-chi(Diary of Tseng Chitse's diplomatic mission to the West).Shanghai,1893;also in HFHC’ts’e 78


    [734]Tseng Chi-tse.Tseng Hui-min kung i-chi(Collected papers of the late Tseng Chi-tse).Shanghai:The Kiangnan Arsenal,1893;Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai 1966.This comprehensive collection includes Tseng Hui-min kung wen-chi,5 chuan,also found in Tseng Hui-min kung i-chi,Sao-yeh shah-fang edn,Shanghai 1932


    [735]Tseng Chi-tse.Tseng Hui-min kung shou-hsieh jih-chi(Tseng Chi-tse's holograph diary).Taipei:Hsueh-sheng,1965


    [736]Tseng Kuo-fan.Tseng Wen-cheng kung(Kuo-fan)ch’üan-chi(Complete collection of Tseng Kuo-fan's papers).Amplified verslion,1876 et seq.Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,40 vols.1974;also cited as TWCKCC曾国藩:《曾文正公(国藩)全集》

    [737]Tseng Kuo-fan.Tseng Wen-cheng kung shu-cha(Tseng Kuo-fan's letters).33 chüan.Changsha:Ch’uan-chung shu-chü,1876


    [738]Tseng Kuo-fan.Tseng Wen-cheng kung shou-hsieh jih-chi(Tseng Kuo-fan's holograph diary).6 vols.Taipei:Hsueh-sheng,1965


    [739]Tseng Lien.Ku-an chi(Collected writings of Tseng Lien).18 chüan.Tsengshih Hui-fu-t’ang,1911


    [740]Tseng Wen-wu.Chung-kuo ching-ying Hsi-yü shih(History of China's management of the Western Region).Shanghai:Commercial Press,1936


    [741]Tsiang,T.F.‘Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations,1870——1894’.Chinese Social and Political Science Review,17(1933)1——106


    [742]Tsien,Tsuen-hsuin.‘Western impact on China through translation’.FEQ,13.3(May 1954)305——27


    [743]Tso Tsung-t’ang.Tso Wen-hsiang kung ch’üan-chi(Complete collection of Tso Tsung-t’ang's papers).Changsha,1890 et seq.Taipei,Wen-hai reproduction,1964;also cited as TWHK


    [744]Tso Tsung-t’ang.Tso Wen-hsiang kung chia-shu(Tso Tsung-t’ang's letters to his family).c,1920.Taipei reproduction,Wenhai,1972


    [745]Tsou Jung.The revolutionary army:a Chinese nationalist tract of 1908.Introd.and trans.with nn.by John Lust.Paris:Mouton,1968


    [746]Ts’un-ts’ui hsueh-she,comp.Chung-kuo chin-tai she-hui ching-chi shih lunchi(Collected articles on China's modem social and economic history).2 vols.Hong Kong:Ch’ung-wen,1971


    [747]Ts’un-ts’ui hsueh-she,comp.Chung-kuo chin san-pai-nien she-hui ching-chi shih lun-chi(Collected articles on China's social and economic history in the last 300 years).2 vols.Hong Kong:Ch’ung-wen,1972


    [748]Tsunoda,Ryusaku,DeBary,William Theodore and Keene,Donald,eds.Sources of the Japanese tradition.New York:Columbia University Press,1958


    [749]Tung-a chü-shih(pseud.).‘Ch’in-luan chien-wen chi’(Diary of what I saw and heard during the Shensi calamity),in Ma Hsiao-shih,Hsi-pei hui-tsu ko-ming chien-shih(q.v.),pp.85——150


    [750]Tung-fang tsa-chih(The eastern miscellany).Shanghai:Commercial Press,1904——48;also cited as TFTC


    [751]US Department of State.Foreign relations of the United States.Washington,DC:Government Printing Office,1861


    [752]US National Archives.Catalogue of National Archives microfilm publications.Washington,DC:National Archives,Records Service,1974


    [753]Upton,Emory.The armies of Asia and Europe.New York:D.Appleton,1878;Greenwood Press reproduction,1968


    [754]Vagts,Alfred.Defense and diplomacy:the soldier and the conduct of foreign relations.New York:King's Crown,1956


    [755]Van Gulik,R.H.‘Kakkaron:a Japanese echo of the Opium War.Monumenta Serica.’4(1939)478——545


    [756]Vladimir(pseud.for Zenone Volpicelli).The China-Japan War cornpiled from Japanese,Chinese,and foreign sources.London:S.Low,Marston & Co.,1896


    [757]Wakeman,Frederic,Jr.‘The price of autonomy:intellectuals in Ming and Ch’ing politics’.Daedalus.101.2(Spring 1972)35——70


    [758]Wakeman,Frederic,Jr and Carolyn Grant,eds.Conflict and control in late imperial China.Berkeley:University of California Press,1975


    [759]Wakeman,Frederick,Jr.‘Rebellion and revolution:the study of popular movements in Chinese history’.JAS,36.2(Feb.1977)201——37


    [760]Waley,Arthur.The Opium Warthrough Chinese eyes.London:Allen & Unwin,1958


    [761]Wallach,Richard.‘The war in the East’.Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute,21.4(1895)691——739


    [762]Wang Ch’ao-tsung,comp.Ha -wai fan-i lu(Collected writings on barbarians beyond the seas).2 ts’e.Peking:Sou-liu-hsuan,1844


    [763]Wang Chia-chien.Wei Yuan tui Hsi-fang ti jen-shih chi ch’i hai-fang ssuhsiang(Wei Yuan's knowledge of the West and his ideas regarding maritime defence).Taipei:National Taiwan University,College of Letters,1964


    [764]Wang Chia-chien.‘Hai-kuo t’u-chih tui-yü Jih-pen ti ying-hsiang’(The influence of the Hai-kuo t’u-chih in Japan),in Ta-lu tsa-chih.32.8(April 1966)242——9


    [765]Wang Chia-chien.‘Ch’ing-chi ti hai-fang lun’(Opinions favouring coastal defence in the late Ch’ing period).Shih-ta hsueh-pao 12(June 1967)1——40


    [766]Wang Chia-chienW.ei Yuan nien-p’u(Chronological biography of Wei Yuan).Taipei:IMH,Academia Sinica,1967


    [767]Wang Chia-chien.‘Ch’ing-chi ti hai-chün ya-men’(The Navy Yamen of the late Ch’ing period).Chung-kuo li-shih hsueh-hui shih-hsueh chi-k’an,5(1973)1——32


    [768]Wang Chia-chien.‘Wen-hsiang tui-yü shih-chü ti jen-shih chi ch’i tzuch’iang ssu-hsiang’(Wen-hsiang's knowledge of world affairs and his ideasregarding self-strengthening).SFLS,1(1973)219——39


    [769]Wang Chia-chien.‘Pei-yang wu-pei hsueh-t’ang ti ch’uang-she chi ch’i yinghsiang’(The Peiyang Military Academy:its creation and influence).SFLS,4(April 1976)317——43


    [770],Wang Chiac-hien.‘Lü-shun chien-kang shih-mo’(The establishment of the Port Arthur naval base:a complete account).CYCT,5(June 1976)223——62


    [771]Wang Ching-yü,comp.Chung-kuo chin-tai kung-yeh shih tzu-liao,t -erh chi,1895——1914 nien(Source materials on the history of modern industry in China,2nd collection 1895——1914).2 vols.Peking:K’o-hsuch.1957


    [772]Wang Ching-yü and Nieh Pao-chang.‘Kuan-yü Chung-kuo ti-i-tai ch’an-yeh kung-jen ti tou-cheng tzu-liao’(Materials on the struggles of the first generation of Chinese industrial workers).Ching-chi yen-chiu.1962.3,pp.43——51


    [773]Wang Ching-yü.‘Shih-chiu shih-chi wai-kuo ch’in Hua ch’i-yeh chung ti Hua-shang fu-ku huo-tung’(Investment by Chinese merchants in the foreign firms which invaded China in the nineteenth century).Li-shih yen-chiu 1965.4.pp.39——74


    [774]Wang Erh-minC.h’ing-chi ping-kung yeh ti hsing-ch’i(The rise of the armaments industry in the late Ch’ing period).Taipei:IMH,Academia Siniea,1963


    [775]Wang Erh-min.‘Ch’i-ying wai-chiao’(The diplomacy of Ch’i-ying).Ta-lu tsa-chih,30.9 and 10(May and June 1965)281——7,330——3


    [776]Wang Erh-minC.hung-kuo chin-tai ssu-hsiang shih-lun(Historical essays on modern Chinese thought).Taipei:Hun-shih ch’u-pan she,1977


    [777]Wang Er-hmin.‘Shang-chan kuan-nien yü chung-shang ssu-hsiang’(The idea of trade as a weapon and the greater importance attached to commerce).CYCT,5(June 1966)1——91


    [778]Wang Erh-min.Hua -chün chih(History of the Anhwei Army).Taipei:IMH,Academia Sinica,1967


    [779]Wang Erh-min.‘Lien-chün ti ch’i-Yuan chi ch’i i-i’(The origins and significance of the retrained Green Standard contingents).Ta-lu tsa-chih,34.6 and 7(March and April 1967)172——5.216——3


    [780]Wang Erh-min.Wan-Ch’ing cheng-chih ssu-hsiang shih-lun(Historical essays on political thought in the late Ch’ing period).Taipei:Hsueh-sheng,1969


    [781]Wang Erh-min.‘Ch’ing-tai yung-ying chih-tu’(The‘Brave Battalion'system of the Ch’ing dynasty).CYCT.4.1(May 1973)1——52


    [782]Wang Hsi-ch’i,comp.Hsiao-fang-hu chai yü-ti ts’ung-ch’ao(Geographical series of Hsiao-fang-hu studio).In 3 series totalling 84 ts’e.Shanghai:I-shu t’ang,1877——97;also cited as HFHC


    [783]Wang Hsien-ch’ien,P’an I-fu et al.Shih-erh ch’ao tung-hua lu(Tung-hua records of twelve reigns).Facsimile reproduction of edns for Ch’ing reigns up to and including K’uang-hsu.Tainan:Ta-tung,1968


    [784]Wang Hsin-chung.Chung-Jih chia wu chan-cheng chih wai-chiao pei-ching(The diplomatic background of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894).Peiping:Tsing Hua University.1937


    [785]Wang Hsiu-ch’u.Yang-chou shih-jih chi(An account of ten days in Yangchou)in Shen Yun-lung,Ming-Ch’ing shih-liao hui-pien(Compendium ofMing-Ch’ing historical sources),series 2,Vol.5.Taipei reproduction,Wenbai.1967


    [786]Wang Hung-chih.Tso Tsung-t’ang p’ing hsi-pei hui-luan liang-hsiang chih,ch’ou-hua yü chuan-yun yen-chiu(A study of the planning and transmission of food and funds in Tso Tsung-t’ang's suppression of Muslim Rebellion in the north-west).Taipei.Cheng-chung,1973


    [787]Wang I-sun.‘Hsinh-ai ko-ming shih-ch’i tzu-ch’an chieh-chi yü nung-min ti kuan-hsi wen-t’i’(Problem of the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the peasants during the era of the 1911 Revolution),in HHWS,115——46


    [788]Wang K’ai-yunH.siang-ch’i lou wen-chi(Collection of essays of Wang K’aiyun).Taipei:Hsin-hsing,1956


    [789]Wang Ping-hsieh.Wu-tzu-ch’i shih wen-chi(Wang Ping-hsich's essays).Tientsin:Kuang-j en t’ang,1885;Taipei reproduction.Wen-hai,1968


    [790]Wang Shu-huai.Wai-jen yu Wu-hsu pien-fa(Foreigners and the reform movement of 1898).Taipei:IMH,Academia Sinica,1965


    [791]Wang Shu-huai.Hsien-T’ung Yun-nan hui-min shih-pien(Muslim revolts in Yunnan during the Hsien-feng and T’ung-chih reigns).Taipei:IMH,Academia Sinica.1968


    [792]Wang Ta-hai.Hai-tao i-chih(Little-known account of the seas and islands),in Wang Ch’ao-tsung,comp.Hai-wai fan-i lu(q.v.),ts’e 2


    [793]Wang T’ao.T’ao-yuan ch’ih-tu(Waug T’ao's letters).8 chüan.HongK ong:privately issued,1876;Taipei reproduction,Ta-t’ung,1968


    [794]Wang T’ao.T’ao-yuanw  enl-u wei-pien(Additional essays of Wang T’ao).10 chuan.Hong Kong:T’ao-yuan(Wang's residence),1883;chüan 11——12 subsequently added,n.d.


    [795]Wang T’ao.ed.Ko-chih shu-yuan k’o-i(Assigned writings of students of the Shanghai Polytechnic Institute).13 ts’e.Shanghai:Polytechnic Institute and Reading Room,1886——93


    [796]Wang T’ien-chiang.‘Shih-chiu shih-chi hsia-pan-chi Chung-kuo ti pi-mi huishe’(Chinese secret societies in the second half of the nineteenth century).Li-shih yen-chiu.1963.2,pp.83——100


    [797]Wang T’ien-chiang.‘T’ai-p’ien-tian-kuo ko-ming hou Su Che Wan sap sheng ti t’u-ti kuan-hsi’(The agrarian relations in the three provinces of Kiangsu,Chekiang and Anhwei after the Taiping Revolution).Hsin chien-she.1963.8.pp.46——54


    [798]Wang Wen-t’ai Hung-mao-fan Ying-Chi-Li k’ao-Lueh(Short account of the red-haird Enghlish barbarians),in Wang Ch’ao-tsung.comp.Ha -wai fan-i Lu(q.v.),ts’e 2


    [799]Wang,Y.C.Chinese intellectuals and the West,1872——1949.Chapel Hill:University of North California Press.1966


    [800]Wang,Yeh-chienL.and taxation in imperial China,1750——1911.Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1973


    [801]Wang Yen-hsi and Wang Shum-in.comps.Huang-ch’ao Tao-Hsien-T’ung-Kuang tsou-i(Memorials of the Tao-kuang,Hsien-feng,T’ung-chih and Kuang-hsu periods of the Ch’ing dynasty).64 chüan.Shanghai:Chiu-ching chai,1902.Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,1968


    [802]Wang Yen-wei and Wang Liang,comps.Ch’ing-chiw ai-chiao shih-liao(Historical materials concerning foreign relations in the late Ch’ing period.1875——1911).218+1 chuan for the Kuang-hsu period(1875——1908)and 24 chüan for the Hsuan-t’ung period(1908——11).Peiping:Wang Hsi-yin,1932——5;Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,1963


    [803]Wang Yu-ling.‘Shang-pu chih tse-jen’(The responsibility of the Ministry of Commerce).Shang-wu kuan-pao(The commercial gazette),7(19061)——4


    [804]Wehrle,Edmund S.Britain,China,and the antimissionary riots,1891——1900.Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press.1966


    [805]Wei Chien-yu.Chung-kuo chin-taai huo-op-i shhih.i- pa i-ssu-ic-hiui-chiu(History of currency in modern China,1814——1919).Shanghai:Ch’ün-lien,1955;Taipei:Wen-hai,1974


    [806]Wei Yuan.Shengw uc-hi(Chronicle of the sacred dynasty's military campaigns).Ku-wei t’ang 1842 edn.Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,1967


    [807]Wei Yuan.Hai-kuo t’u-chih(Illustrated treatise on the maritime kingdoms).100 chüan.Shanghai:Wen-hsien ko,1898 edn.Taipei reproduction of 1847 edn.Ch’eng-wen,1966


    [808]Wen Kung-chih.Tsui-chin san-shih-nien Chung-kuo chün-shih shih(History of Chinese military affairs in the last thirty years).2 vols.Shanghai:T’aiping-yang shu-tien,1930


    [809]Weng Tu’ng-ho.Weng T’ung-ho jih-chi p’al-yin-pen(A typeset edition of the diary of Weng Tu’ng-ho).5 vols.Taipei:Ch’eng-wen,1970


    [810]Wickberg,Edgar B.‘Late nineteenth century land tenure in Taiwan’in Leonard H.D.Gordon,ed.Taiwan:studies in Chinese local history(q.v.),pp.78——92


    [811]Willmott,W.E.ed.Economic organization in Chinese society.Stanford University Press,1972


    [812]Wilson.George M.‘Politics and the people:Liang Ch’i-ch’ao's view of constitutional developments in Meiji Japan before 1890’.Papers on Japan.1(1961)189——226


    [813]Wilson,George M.Radicalnationalist in Japan:Kita Ikki,1883——1937.Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press.1969


    [814]Wilson,James Harrison.China:travels and investigations in the‘Middle Kingdom’.New York:D.Appleton,1887;2nd edn,1894


    [815]Wing On Co.Hsiang-kang Yung-an yu-hsien kung-ssu erhshih-wu chounien chi-nien lu(The Wing On Co.Ltd.of Hong Kong:twenty-fifth anniversary).Hong Kong,1932


    [816]Witte.Sergei Iul’evich.The memoirs of Count Witte.Abraham Yarmolinsky,trans.and ed.New York:H.Fertig reproduction of 1921 edn,1967


    [817]Wodehouse,H.E.‘Mr.Wade on China’.The China Reriew,1.1(July-Aug.1872)38——44.and 1.2(Sept.O-ct.1872)118——24 H.E.沃德豪斯:《威妥玛论中国》

    [818]Wong,Young-tsu,‘Popular unrest and the 1911 Revolution in Jiangsu,’[Kiangsu].Modern China.3.3(July 1977)321——44


    [819]Wright,Mary C.The last stand of Chinese conservatism:the T’ung-chih restoration,1862——1874.Stanford University Press,1957


    [820]Wright,Mary C.‘The adaptability of Ch’ing diplomacy:the case of China's involvement in Korea’.JAS,17.3(May 1958)363——81


    [821]Wright,Mary C.,ed.China in revolution:the first phase,1900——1913.New Haven:Yale University Press,1968;also cited as C1R


    [822]Wright,Mary C.‘Introduction:the rising tide of change’,in CIR,1——63


    [823]Wright.Stanley F.Hart and the Chinese customs.Belfast:Wm Mullan,for the Queen's University,1950


    [824]Wu Hsiang.hsiang.Oti ch’in-lueh Chung-kuo shih(A history of the Russian imperialist aggression in China).Taipei:Kuoli pien-i kuan.1954


    [825]Wu Hsiang-hsiang.Wan-Ch’ing kung-t’ing shih-chi(True account of palace politics during the late Ch’ing).Taipei:Cheng chung,1961


    [826]Wu Hsiang-hsiang.Chin-tai shih-shih lun-ts’ung(Studies in modern historical events).Taipei:Wen-hsing,1964


    [827]Wu.Silas H.L.Communication and imperial control in China:evolution of the palace memorial system,1693——1735.Cambridge,Mass.:Harvard University Press,1970


    [828]Wu T’ien-jen.Huang Kung-tu hsien-sheng chuan-kao(A draft biography of Huang Tsun-hsien),Chinese University of Hong Kong,1972


    [829]Wu Wo-yao(Wu Chien-jen.or Yen-jen).Erh-shih-nien mu-tu chih kuai hsien-chuang(Bizarre phenomena eyewitnessed over twenty years).8 chüan.Shanghai:Hsin-hsiao-shuo shu-tien,1916.Reprints include Shang-hai wenhua ch’u-pan-she,1957.Also Shih-Shun Liu.trans.Chinese University of Hong Kong.1974;New York edn,St John's University,1974


    [830]Wu,Yü-chang.The Revolution of 1911:a great democratic revolution of China.Peking:Foreign Languages Press,1962


    [831]Wu Yun.Liang-lei-hsuan ch’ih-tu(Wu Yun's letters).12 chüan.1884.Taipei reproduction,Wen-hai,1968


    [832]Yamagata,Aritomo.‘The Japanese army’.in Shigenobu ōkuma,ed.Fifty years ofn  ewJ apan,1.194——217.2 vols.London:Smith,Elder & Co.,1909


    [833]Yang,C[Yang Tuan-liu]and Bau.H.B.[Hou Hou-p’ei]et al.Statistics of China's foreign trade during the last sixty-five years.Nanking:National Research Institute of Social Sciences,Academia Sinica,1931


    [834]Yang,C.K.‘Some preliminary patterns of mass action in nineteenth century China’,in Frederic Wakeman,Jr and Carolyn Grant.eds,Conflict and control in late imperial China,pp.174——210.Berkeley:University of California Press,1975


    [835]Yang Hung-lieh.Chung-kuo fa-lü fa-ta shih(Chinese law:the history of its full development).2 vols.Shanghai:Commercial Press,1930,1933


    [836]Yang,Lien-sheng.‘Historcal notes on the Chinese world order’,in CWO,20——33


    [837]Yang,Lien-sheng.‘Government control of the urban merchant in traditional China’.Ch’ing-hua hsueh-pao,NS,8.1——2(1970)186——209


    [838]Yang,Martin C.(Yang Mou-ch’un).Chinese social structure:a historical study.Taipei:Eurasia,1969


    [839]Yang Tuan-liu.Ch’ing-tai huo-pi chin-jung shih kao(Draft history of mon-ey and money markets in the Ch’ing period).Peking:San-lien.1962


    [840]Yang Yu-chiung.Chin-tai Chung-kuo li-fa shih(History of legislation in modern China).Shanghai:Commercial Press,1936;rev,edn,Taipei,1966


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